Sunday, October 30, 2011

What we ate this week!

Monday-Leftover Tamale Pie
Wednesday-Turkey meatloaf and salad
Thurday-Penne with leftover ragu sauce from Tuesday and roasted broccoli
Friday, Saturday, Sunday- Mama DID NOT cook! I took a break from cooking while Todd was out of town. We cleaned out the fridge and freezer! I did make some more whole wheat bread. YUM!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What we ate this week!

Last week seems like a blur. I don't even remember what we ate or what I made. We were out of town for Cornell's homecoming over the weekend. So fun and lots of good food! We enjoyed friday night at Pizza palace with some Taco pizza. Saturday morning we got coffee/hot chocolate and freshly baked peach scones at a local coffee shop before hiking at the Pal. Saturday lunch was at our favorite Lincoln Cafe. Sunday dinner was at a local Cedar Rapids restaurants called Daniel Arthurs. We finished off the weekend at the Breakfast House in CR. SO MUCH good food over the weekend. Back to reality though and trying to be healthy, so we'll start with Sunday night.
Sunday-Veggie Chili(From my freezer stash)
Monday-Veggie Chili on baked potatoes
Tuesday-Turkey/swiss grilled sandwiches with tomato soup(Costco)
Wednesday-Root vegetable lasagna
(From my freezer stash. I made my full recipe a few weeks ago and put it is 2 8x8 pans vs a 9x12.) It was a great idea and I will definitely do it this way next fall.
Thursday-Butternut squash soup with homemade wheat bread. The wheat bread turned out great and was so much easier than I thought. I think I'm going to start making my own bread on a regular basis. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought. Thanks for the nudge Ashlee! There is nothing like fresh homemade bread out of the oven. It really brought me back to my childhood because my mom used to make homemade bread all the time.
Friday-Veggie Stir-fry using the sauce from here. I stir-fried with broccoli, asparagus, snap peas and edamame(or as Todd asked, "eda what?")
Saturday-Tamale pie with pumpkin cornbread with mixed green salad.
Sunday-Eggplant dip(melitzanosalata) and leftovers. I have no idea how to pronounce that so I'm calling it eggplant dip. We really liked the Eggplant dip and will definitely make it again. It was great with cut up veggies and pitas.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

What we ate this week!

Monday- Black bean and sweet corn quinoa
Tuesday-Root Vegetable Lasagna and salad
Wednesday- Chickpea pasta with root vegetable "candy". We really liked both of these. I think kale or spinach would be a nice addition to the chickpea pasta.
Friday- Company arrived! Appetizers- Carrots/ranch and 3/1 dip with crackers
Dinner- Cheeseburger soup and roasted garlic bread(costco)
Dessert- Apple pie and pumpkin pie bars
Movie munchies- Monster munch for the kids
Saturday-Sandwiches for lunch
Chicken florentine artichoke bake for dinner with mixed green salad
Sunday-Brunch at First Watch. Dinner-Tilapia(Costco), roasted broccoli and spinach salad.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

What we ate this week!

Monday- Eggplant Lasagna
Tuesday- Dinner at the park. Carrots, hummus, apples. PB & J when we got home!
Wednesday-Lentil soup with toasted sourdough
Thursday-Turkey meatloaf with twice baked potatoes and roasted brussels sprouts
Friday- Todd out with friends, leftovers for me and the boys
Saturday-I went to Blue Grotto with Abby and the boys had leftovers
Sunday- Cleaned out the fridge!